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HomeLawLaw School Life at Manav Rachna University: Tough Yet Rewarding Journey

Law School Life at Manav Rachna University: Tough Yet Rewarding Journey

This Law School Life has been shared by Anushka Goyal, Campus Leader at Lawctopus.

I, Anushka Goyal, am a 3rd Year Law Student of the BA.LLB(H) programme available at Manav Rachna University, Faridabad. Manav Rachna University is a part of the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. I went to Manav Rachna during August of 2022 for an event, and was amazed by the classrooms and the Moot Court Room.

Now, I’m not saying that it wasn’t something completely unique or beautiful but as an aspiring law student, I could see myself, studying there, walking those halls in between classes, going to the R.C. Lahori Library for my study sessions or for any doubts that I might have and it answered my doubts that I had with any college because of the distance or the proximity factor.

It was a simple choice from then onwards, to cancel my admission to any other college I had reserved my seat in and look into admissions at MRU.

First Day Jitters and My Favorite Class

I still remember my first day of college and well who wouldn’t right? I had already missed my orientation due to late admission and now being late to my first class, entering while the professor was already teaching, not finding a seat in the class, this first day was turning out to be a nightmare for an introvert like me, who hates to be the center of attraction.

Despite this, all my fear and hesitation went away soon, listening to the professor go on about Contract Law, trying to be intimidating yet making the class as fun as he could for the first years. It was one of the most memorable classes of my law school till date, this class made me sure of my decision to be a Law Student at MRU.

Classes That Left an Imprint on Me

Contract Law-1 taken by Dr. Somdutt Bhardwaj was one of my most memorable lectures, not just because of the it being my first but also because of the way sir taught, the way he simplified topics, relating them to real life examples and adding several personal anecdotes, it was nothing less than a treat to having been able to attend his classes.

Also, the Hindu Law class taken by Dr. Shaharyar Asaf Khan, explaining to us all, partition and succession under Hindu Law were some of the most memorable ones, not just because of how well and in- detail he explained them but also because of how fun these classes got sometimes because of our in class discussions.

Subjects that initially posed as a challenge for me

One of the subjects that I believe I have found a little difficult to master in my law school journey till date, has to be Economics. I always blamed frequent faculty change or the syllabus being too hefty as the reasons for me not being able to do as well in it as the other subjects, but the day I decided to see it as a normal subject and parted with my irrational fear was the day I fell in love with learning about it again. The new faculty for Economics, Ms. Akansha and the curriculum set by her definitely helped me like the subject in Sem-3.

Professors that Influenced my Law School Journey the Most Till Now

Dr. Kaveri Sharma who has been our HoD and my teacher for IPC in the 4th Semester has tremendously helped me in not just learning and gaining a passion for Criminal Law but also has been a great guide in all aspects of law schools and the learning journey.

Secondly, but no less importantly, Mr. Shubhank Sanjeev who had been my Constitutional Law Professor for the 2nd Year and my mentor since before that has had one of the biggest impacts on my law school journey, his constant support as a mentor, his availability for any and every doubt that any of us might have had, whether be it academic, related to his subject or otherwise severely helped in this law school journey. He has been the most amazing and supportive teacher and mentor.

Participating in Different Competitions and Committees

I haven’t yet participated in many competitions besides a few quiz competitions, an intra college abstract writing competition in which I secured the Second Position and as a speaker in the 12th RGNUL Moot Court Competition held virtually and although we couldn’t manage to win, we gained a lot of experience.

We were first time participants and this competition gave us many learnings, insights and experience for similar competitions in the future. I also recently became a member of the Legal Aid Committee of our college to help out those in need of legal help.

Attending Seminars and Webinars

I have attended several seminars and webinars related to several different topics of Law but a few that have hugely impacted my learning journey have to 3 Day IPR Course organized by the IP Press, Workshop on Legal Research and Writing by DNLU, Jabalpur, Webinars organized by Lawctopus and the most recent among them all, Summer School by School of Law at Bradford University which was an amazing global learning journey with many insightful and knowledgeable sessions.

Attaining Personal Growth

I believe in my 2 Year Law School Journey till now, I have gained a few skills like Legal Research and writing through various assignments and internships, I have learnt the importance of teamwork and gained a little peek into the real world functioning of law in the legal sphere besides learning the various law subjects in the class.

I have faced a few difficulties in managing my academics and extracurricular activities along with overcoming procrastination and confusion at times, and while I am still figuring out most of it, I believe that choosing my priorities and making To-Do lists have definitely helped a lot in this.

The fear of missing out and seeing my peers make valuable connections and relationships in the legal sphere got to me in the second year and I started putting myself out there more often. Making myself more active on LinkedIn, posting more about myself and my achievements, connecting with like minded people on LinkedIn and joining a few law related groups on different platforms definitely helped me in networking and growth.


It hasn’t been as easy or a cake walk of a path of these past 2 years of law school as I might have thought on my first day but no moment has been any less rewarding.

I gain new insights and experiences everyday and try to make myself better with any change or learning that I possibly can and while I know this path towards achieving my dreams of making a name for myself in the legal field isn’t gonna be easy, I would still choose this journey over others any day because of the sense of achievement and fulfillment it gives me and although MRU comes with a few drawbacks of its own, my law school journey here along with a little help from mentoring websites like Lawctopus has been nothing less than extraordinary and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

This law school life is a part of our experience series wherein our campus leaders share their experiences of their college. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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