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HomeLawMy Law School Journey: Insights from the World of Competitions

My Law School Journey: Insights from the World of Competitions

This Law School Experience has been shared by Vaidavi Agrawal, Campus Leader at Lawctopus.

As a first-year law student, I haven’t competed much, but I have visited and observed moot courts, as well as participated in article writing contests. I would like to share my moot court and article writing competition experiences.

Article Writing

Let’s begin with an article writing contest. Although I did not place first, I did gain a lot of knowledge. The first is time management. Because of my tests, I began writing the essay one day early, but I soon realized that producing an article requires a lot of time and effective time management.

The article’s content comes in second. It should include a lot of cases, laws, or other material in addition to your viewpoint. In my situation, I had a tonne of stuff, but I wasn’t sure what to write or in what order. I discovered that composing an article is not a simple task after determining the appropriate format and topic.

Competitions through the My Lens

I then want to look at the competition rules and standards, which include font, size, format, and other details. Following the completion for the article, I look for plagiarism.

Before beginning an essay, one should be in a comfortable state of mind and prepared to work hard and strategically. producing an article is not a difficult thing; nevertheless, producing a well-furnished composition is a difficult task, and you need to be familiar with the fundamentals of article writing.

I believed my article was the finest when I first read it, but after reading other of my competitors’ excellent pieces, I realized that I need to work on my English, substance, and thinking-expression skills.

Moot Court

This is what law implies, I thought to myself as I watched them argue while I was there. The way the plaintiff opened the case in moot court, followed by the defendant’s opening, their counterargument, and finally their closing statement, all of these factors changed my perspective.

With personnel from both the plaintiff and the defendant, both parties were well-prepared for the moot court. They ought to thoroughly research everything because they are quite knowledgeable about it.

One girl mentioned almost ten laws about that subject, and I thought, these laws are being broken in large quantities, and my mind began to inform me that I ought to be familiar with a wide range of laws and cases.

Both sides had all the personnel and rebuttals prepared, and they were equally confident. As soon as the adversary speaks, the other side is prepared to refute them. During moot court, I discovered that in order to show the judge that I am sure of my position, one should study more about the law, research, and most importantly body language.

Although I haven’t participated in moot court, I’ve learned from watching that in order to succeed, I need to practice, study the relevant laws, conduct thorough research, and most importantly, have confidence.

I learnt a lot from both experiences, and I feel like I gained some understanding of the realities of the legal profession. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of learning law differ.

This law school experience is a part of our experience series wherein our campus leaders share their experiences of their college. Stay tuned for more!

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

Source: Lawctopus

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