Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeLawObject of anti-trafficking law is not to punish sex workers but to...

Object of anti-trafficking law is not to punish sex workers but to punish traffickers: Karnataka High Court

The Court made the observation while quashing criminal proceedings against a woman (petitioner) who was booked in an ITPA case in 2013.

The woman was alleged to have been part of a group of girls who were paid ₹10,000 to be forced into prostitution. The girls were being transported from Udupi to Goa when the tempo traveller they were travelling in was intercepted by the authorities.

The petitioner was among those booked in the ITPA case lodged by the police in the matter.

In 2024, the petitioner approached the High Court to quash the case filed against her under Section 5 (procuring, inducing or taking woman or girl for the sake of prostitution) of the ITPA.

The counsel for the petitioner contended that the petitioner was a victim of prostitution and should not be prosecuted.

The State countered that the woman cannot approach the High Court in the matter ten years after the case was filed, even if she is a victim. She should come out clean after facing trial, the State said.

Source: Barandbench

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