Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLaw President should be completely apolitical: Priya Hingorani, the only woman candidate

[SCBA elections 2024] President should be completely apolitical: Priya Hingorani, the only woman candidate

PH: We find that with so many lawyers entering the profession, not out of compulsion, particularly from the times of Covid, there are issues of professional conduct, health and financial issues, car parking etc. In my term as Secretary, we had started placement cells for young lawyers; that generation needs handholding from the Bar. So I would bring back that initiative.

Second would be a mentorship program. It is our duty to mentor the younger members and gauge their areas of interest, start a professional and educational development program, which I have started across courts so they can hone their advocacy skills.

There are many executive duties too, it is only by holding general body meetings that you interact with members of the Bar and can address their issues.

My parents were senior lawyers at the Supreme Court. My mother entered the profession in 1956 when women organisations were formed to address the issues. Today, many more have been formed across the country.

There is not enough representation among office bearers. The CJI had flagged this as well for various bar councils. So to bring gender inclusivity is something I would work on, as there is also support for this from the Bar.

Then there is the issue of hygiene etc for those with disabilities who need support. While the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court are considered as the prime places in terms of facilities, we have to take it down to other courts.

Source: Barandbench

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