Tuesday, September 24, 2024
HomeLaw A primer on Personal Branding for Lawyers

[The Viewpoint] A primer on Personal Branding for Lawyers

And your public profile, which is LinkedIn these days, should say it all. Some tips that you could follow includes:

Write your designation e.g. Partner, Your firm name, and then mention all the things you advise on. For example – Web3, (Blockchain, Metaverse and so on), LegalTech, privacy etc.

Another option could be that instead of just writing Partner, your firm name, you may write precisely how you are helping your clients. It could be helping clients in their M&A or creating efficient tax solutions.

And don’t forget to mention what all you talk about. It could be #M&A #Transactions #PE #LitigationStrategies and so on.

Source: Barandbench

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