Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLawTick-Tock: Law of Limitation in Arbitration post the Arif Azim Judgment

Tick-Tock: Law of Limitation in Arbitration post the Arif Azim Judgment

The Arif Azim judgment marks a significant development in the field of arbitration law in India. By clarifying the applicability of the Limitation Act to arbitration proceedings and establishing clear guidelines for the commencement of the limitation period, the Supreme Court has reinforced the importance of timely dispute resolution. This judgment will undoubtedly serve as a guiding precedent for future arbitration cases, ensuring that the arbitration process remains robust, efficient, and fair.

In conclusion, the Arif Azim judgment underscores the adage “Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.” Parties to arbitration agreements must be diligent in invoking arbitration promptly to avoid their claims being barred by limitation. This judgment reinforces the role of arbitration as a swift and effective means of resolving disputes, upholding the integrity and efficacy of the arbitration process in India.

As practitioners, we must stay abreast of these developments and ensure that our clients are well-informed about the critical timelines that govern arbitration proceedings. The ticking clock is a reminder that vigilance and prompt action are paramount in the realm of arbitration.

Source: Barandbench

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