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HomeHealthThe 6 Essential Dos & Don’ts Of Eating When You Feel Sluggish

The 6 Essential Dos & Don’ts Of Eating When You Feel Sluggish

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


If you’re waking up feeling drained, downing cups of coffee to get through the morning and find yourself struggling with lethargy in the afternoon, you might want to take a look at what you’re eating.

Sluggishness can come from anywhere. However, experts believe that an inadequate diet is a major culprit that leads to low energy.

Food is, without a doubt, your body’s fuel to function effectively. The fuel you choose will have a significant impact on the performance of your body.

There are various energy-sustaining foods that tend to refuel your tank, helping you feel more energetic.

However, some foods may actually sabotage your efforts to get pumped up. 

Here’s what the experts have to say about the best foods that can quickly sap you of energy.

Avoid sugary fixes

When your energy slumps, the usual instinct is to reach for comfort foods — such as chocolates, candy and other simple sugars — to give you a quick lift. 

Yet ironically, these foods provide a short-lived boost of energy. It is frequently followed by an even greater energy slump when it wears off.

This recurring cycle of a brief energy spike followed by a crash can leave you depleted and craving more sweets.

So, limit the refined sugar to only occasional treats.

Consume caffeine sparingly

Another common reaction to sluggishness is to grab a coffee, energy drink, or other caffeinated beverage.

While coffee, particularly black coffee, has its place as a natural stimulant, yet, excessive consumption can trigger anxiety and raise your body’s stress response.

If you’re feeling wired and tired, fill up on nutrient-rich, energy-sustaining foods instead of relying on sugary, belly-fattening energy drinks or endless cups of coffee that will keep you going all day.

Do not treat comfort food as a norm

When it comes to putting weariness to the curb, we frequently turn to quick satisfying pick-me-up foods that are low in nutrients and rich in sugar, salt, and fat.

These foods have zero nutritional value and energy-sustaining ingredients.

If you do choose to indulge in anything less than healthy, make sure you balance it out with balanced, healthy choices for the remainder of the day, which will give you that extra boost of energy you need to get through your day.

Maintain a regular, well-balanced diet

Meals rich in complex carbs and protein contribute to many positive health benefits, including all-day energy.

The idea is to keep your blood sugar constant and avoid the extreme spikes and drops that leave you feeling hungry and sluggish.

So, stock up on these amazingly nutritious foods to keep your energy levels high and help you fight the impulse to eat something unhealthy.

Eat smaller meals

Many studies suggest that moderate-sized meals or snacks every three to four hours apart are preferable to three major meals a day.

This eating pattern keeps blood sugar levels steady, which is a major key in maintaining a consistent energy level.

But don’t overdo it, since overeating can be just as bad. Research has shown that by eating large quantities of food at once, especially at lunchtime, you’re likely to experience a drop in energy later in the day.  

Look for techniques to increase your energy levels

If you feel fatigued even when you haven’t done much throughout the day, consider exercising.

Exercise has been proven to make you feel more energized during the day.

Being physically active and engaging in exercise can actually give you a much-needed boost of energy levels and help support energy production.

In addition, new research suggests regular exercise can also improve your sleep quality.

Getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night will also help you have more energy and reduce eating cravings.

Final thoughts

Where energy is the issue, diet can be a part of the much-needed solution.

Make smarter choices for optimizing energy throughout the day by transitioning to a nutrient-dense diet loaded with whole, nourishing foods like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Get started by making these small, achievable shifts in your dietary regimen and allowing the energy to flow.

As a necessary add-on, make a habit of taking preventive health checkups, especially during summers, as they can help you in getting a comprehensive insight into your health.

This will also help you with taking measures to promote your overall well-being.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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