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Endiya Partners In Collaboration With Applied Ventures Launch The Frontier-Tech Ignite (X) Program

The FTIX selected cohort of five start-ups will have access to dedicated mentorship sessions with Endiya and Applied Ventures along with potential access to their network and portfolio companies.

Endiya Partners and Applied Ventures, LLC announce their first-ever curated accelerator program called Frontier-Tech Ignite (X) Program – FTIX, aimed at identifying and mentoring high-potential Frontier-Tech start-ups in the SaaS/Enterprise Software; Semiconductor/EDA; AI/ML/blockchain; IOT/5G/Sensors and Cybersecurity domains. 

The FTIX program, guided by a qualified selection committee, will choose a cohort of five high-performing start-ups over a two-stage screening process. The shortlisted start-ups are expected to have a working Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and initial customer traction in the market at the time of registering for the program.

The FTIX selected cohort of five start-ups will have access to dedicated mentorship sessions with Endiya and Applied Ventures along with potential access to their network and portfolio companies. In addition, the selected start-ups will have the opportunity to demo/pitch for investments with Endiya, Applied Ventures and other investors in the ecosystem.

When asked why the program excites Endiya, the firm’s Managing Director Sateesh Andra said, “The last few years have seen advancements in the field of Frontier Technologies globally, leading to accelerated digital transformation geared to embrace newer possibilities. We have guided our portfolio companies, SigTuple, AlphaICs, Steradian Semiconductors, Myelin Foundry, Shieldsquare and Cell Propulsion – all market innovating ideas in technology – to cross the chasm, whether it was in finding the right investment, their first set of customers, or the right team to work with. At Endiya, we understand the founders, the dilemmas they face and how this ecosystem works, putting us in a great position to share our knowledge with the FTIX cohort.”

Sateesh adds, “Post-Covid-19 some uncertainties linger; though, we have observed that this pandemic has accelerated the adoption of disruptive technologies required to solve the most complicated and unexpected challenges. The Indian Technology start-up ecosystem, the third largest globally, is backed by strong skills around deep science and tech and is poised to advance and grow further. For us, the time for the Frontier Tech wave is right here and we are committed to helping the best ideas gain speed.”

Anand Kamannavar, Global Head, Applied Ventures further added, “Key strategic and collaborative initiatives like FTIX are becoming an important source of industry support and capital for start-ups who are finding their footing in niche but growing sectors of deep tech and Frontier Technologies. Applied Ventures aims to use its expertise in materials engineering to work with start-ups innovating across the Materials to Systems™ stack, targeting a wide range of industries, including Semiconductors, Datacenters, Industry 4.0, Automotive, Supply-Chain and Life Sciences. The latter is an area that is taking on increased importance as the world learns to adapt to the ‘new normal’ post-COVID-19.”

The FTIX program is now accepting applications on The deadline for submissions is the 15thof April 2021. Once selected, the cohort will have the opportunity to pitch to the selected pool of investors during a demo day.

Source: Business World

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