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HomeBusinessTrentar Group Joins Hands With TM Aerospace By Acquiring 75% Stake

Trentar Group Joins Hands With TM Aerospace By Acquiring 75% Stake

This acquisition will focus on commercialising high quality and Specialty UAVs for both Commercial and Defence segments, not only in India but, globally.

Trentar Pvt Ltd announced one of the most significant acquisitions in the UAV manufacturing sector, alongside a controlling stake with One of India’s most innovative startups in the UAV Design to Delivery space, TM Aerospace. This acquisition will focus on commercialising high quality and Specialty UAVs for both Commercial and Defence segments, not only in India but, globally. This acquisition by Trentar Group along with the others done by them recently will help make India independent and self-sufficient in the complete UAV Ecosystem, 

Trentar had recently acquired Trishula, by far, the only Indian company providing a complete UAV propulsion system designed, developed and 100% Made in India and GarudaUAV, a leading Drone based services and platform company.  Trentar had earlier committed to invest Rs. 100 Cr in 3 years to design and build specialized Drones for the Defence and Civil purposes along with Indigenously built subsystems.  

Bangalore based TM Aerospace will be shortly launching multiple variants of their Fixed Wing VTOLS to suit Civil, Defence and High Altitude usage.  Their  High Kinetic Energy Precision Guided Munition system slotted to be launched in 2022, will prove to be a game changer in the Electronic Warfare space.  

TMA has also recently committed to the Indian Defence to manufacture and launch their own MALE UAVs(Medium Altitude Long Endurance).  This will not only help strengthen the defence forces, but will also help India save significantly on Foreign Exchange spent to hitherto on lease/acquire them, thereby realising the Atmanirbhar dream of the Government.

Mr. Subodh Menon, Founder, Trentar, expresses, “Completely Indigenous, World Class UAV ecosystem is the Vision we have for Trentar.   Acquisition of TMA will help India have World Class UAV systems completely designed, manufactured and supported in India.  Our High Kinetic Energy Munition Systems, the first of it’s kind in the world and the MALE platform are part of our commitment to give huge advantage to Indian Defence and will also make India a leading player in these specialty and new age segments.   Apart from these developments, we have many more interventions planned in the pipeline to consolidate on this vision.   This acquisition will transform TMA into a Global Leader in the design to delivery space of Specialty and High Precision UAVs. 

Commenting on the acquisition, Mr. Sudhir Menon, Chairman, Trentar said, “This acquisition is in continuation of Trentar’s foray into the New age industries.  Apart from the UAV Subsystems domain, we are committed to grow the UAV Design, Build, Delivery space also, to create a leadership position for both India and Trentar in the immediate future.  Trentar’s will  provide the necessary tail wind to TM Aerospace to be one of the leading UAV Manufacturer, Globally”

Mr. Mohsin Pasha, Founder of TM Aerospace, said, “Since inception, TMA has been continuously innovating and have been successful in creating 3 major UAV platforms.  We are pretty confident that this acquisition will help us to quickly launch these platforms, globally.  We are sure that our High Kinetic Energy platform ecosystem will give India an edge over it’s neighbours.  Design to Delivery is our strength and we would like to utilise this strength to continuously keep working on our Innovations.  We already have a road map set for development in the next 5 years. We are confident that our culture of innovation backed by the vision and strength of Trentar will help us deliver world class products.

Source: Business World

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