Friday, July 26, 2024 Rolls Out Host Of Initiatives Amidst Covid 19 Rolls Out Host Of Initiatives Amidst Covid 19

The program entails a series of initiatives to provide monetary and healthcare support to employees and their family members while extending the aid to encompass proactive team contributions toward wellness, and to help those who have been impacted by the pandemic

Leading Voice AI Company, has announced a host of initiatives to help employees with Covid-19 care, to ensure they are better able to navigate the crisis. The program entails a series of initiatives to provide monetary and healthcare support to employees and their family members while extending the aid to encompass proactive team contributions toward wellness, and to help those who have been impacted by the pandemic.

In the event that employees or their immediate family members test positive for Covid-19, offers an advance in salary for incidental expenses, over and above the group medical insurance cover of up to ₹8L. The insurance also covers all expenses for 30 days before and 60 days after hospitalization. Going a step further, in addition to taking care of the costs of the Covid-19 diagnosis test, the company is providing an allowance of up to ₹5,000 for expenses incurred by employees during home quarantine and hospitalization for themselves and their families. This can be used for tests, consultations with doctors and dieticians.

As an extension of support to the company’s workforce, all’s employees also have access to the COVID Task Force, which consists of in-house runners who can be contacted for any assistance, for close friends, family and relatives. The task force is equipped to roll out an immediate response plan, including amplification and collation of positive leads on social media and other public resources while handling COVID-19 related anxiety. The company’s employees have also donated two days’ worth of their salary to the Swasth and ACT grants in procuring oxygen concentrators, contributing proactively to the cause.

Sourabh Gupta, CEO, and Co-founder, said, “The pandemic has stirred the entire nation, overwhelming the country’s healthcare ecosystem, while disrupting individual lives. While India continues to record fresh Covid cases, a constant state of fear and uncertainty remains in the minds of people trying to cope with the impacts of the pandemic, while also balancing their professional lives. On that note, we have organized a series of interactive sessions to foster mindfulness training, helping employees cope up with stress, negative emotions while cultivating a feeling of positivity, psychological safety, and belonging. In these trying times, we want to prioritize wellness and safety to help our employees and their loved ones sail through this unprecedented crisis together, while ensuring all their financial and healthcare needs are looked after.”

The company has launched a 30-day ‘Mindfulness Morning’ challenge, where on a voluntary basis, employees practice meditation before kick-starting their day. Additionally, to decode the intricacies and challenges of the second wave of the pandemic, the employees have been provided with a senior general physician, who can help paint a clear picture of the aspects of sanitization, ensuring regular health check-ups, maintaining oxygen levels, and outlining vaccination protocols.

Furthermore, has collaborated with a tech-driven mental wellness platform, YourDOST to provide counseling, support, and guidance from experienced psychologists to employees who have been impacted by the crisis and others as well. The startup has also tied up with Plum to provide free teleconsultations to employees and their dependents via the health insurance portal. Under this service, doctors will be available daily, offering proactive follow-up advice for Covid-positive and high-risk patients.

Source: Business World

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