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HomeBusinessWhy Is Cyber Resilience More Prominent Than Cybersecurity?

Why Is Cyber Resilience More Prominent Than Cybersecurity?

Resilience has everything to do with how businesses manage their existing resources, safeguard their systems, have proper checks in place, but also have a clear-headed direction when a mishap knocks on their doors.

Businesses continue to battle the threat of cyber attacks by adopting stringent cybersecurity measures, building a secure castle and adopting defense in depth.. But it is often said that any business can thrive if it has the resilience to tackle the challenges and come out of it unscathed. Same is the case in the cyber arena these days, and the ever evolving threat landscape makes it imperative that organisations have an equal foothold on their cyber resilience.

Resilience has everything to do with how businesses manage their existing resources, safeguard their systems, have proper checks in place, but also have a clear-headed direction when a mishap knocks on their doors. It isn’t often when resilience is used in this regard, but with the changing outlook and new forms of cyber attacks taking shape, everyone has to not only follow the basics but go the extra mile to prevent any major incident.

In this modern era of digital transformations cyber intruders have also modernized their weaponries, Cyber Attacks are inevitable, which is where the organization and its resilient approach towards them show their character and smartness. Cyber resilience is the bigger universe, under which cybersecurity is one of the many aspects to be covered. If you go by its classic definition, resilience determines the value an organisation places on its structure, ethos and business reputation.

Where it all starts

You could say cyber resilience is the total package that encompasses everything from planning, training and recovering during major incidents. For an organization to become resilient, it is imperative they work on training their staff about all the possible avenues of a cyber attack. This way, you build a hygiene system in place that has the acumen to tackle tough situations with clarity and direction.

The team structure is also a core part of how the system is put in place. And planning plays a big part in making sure businesses are ready for any future attack. Breach & Attach Simulation plays a vital role in understanding the different attack scenarios, since there is no way to prepare for such eventualities than to face them up front.

Companies also need to invest in cyber resilient solutions that provide the comfort of safety and risk mitigation, which helps them protect organization’s assets at all cost. And just in case, businesses have already faced the attack, they need to be equipped enough to recover from the mishap at the earliest, and restore all the system applications that are vital to the organization’s daily functioning.

Cyber resilience over cybersecurity – Need of the hour

Most organisations believe that having a robust cybersecurity mechanism is sufficient enough to protect their systems from threat actors. However, when you browse through the impact of cyber resilience in the larger scheme of things, you realise its broad scope and potential to be more beneficial for businesses.

Not only can you improvise and update your main systems to tackle all possible attacks, but also help them mitigate such events in the future with better efficiency. With cyber resilience, organisations need to be proactive, alert, and think differently that puts them in a better position to protect all organization assets. That’s not all; you can quickly adapt to different compliance regulations that have become prominent these days. Fair to say, the long term returns are much higher, and the overall well being of the organization is covered under its ambit.

So, while adopting cybersecurity is important, businesses would be better served if they think in the direction of cyber resilience from here on.

Challenges that lie ahead

There is no benchmark model for cyber resilience, and that poses a big task for organisations that are still getting to terms with the nitty-gritty of cybersecurity. When you pack up all the major processes into one system, chances are there will be loose ends. So, it is imperative that any cyber resilience model has the right attributes to function cohesively. Because, the main objective of the process is to safeguard the organization and data is a crucial part of that ecosystem, but not the only one.

After all, any attack faced by the organisation has a spiral effect on its reputation, market value, and goodwill which makes them easy prey for threat actors. In fact, we suggest you can be creative in approaching this whole process, by not only teaming up with fellow competitors for a robust action mechanism. But also have a roadmap that can help you adapt to the changing political and social climate.

New-age cyber threats warrant innovative solutions that can help the business to not only survive, but thrive as well. And all these are only possible if organisations think out of the box, and look to fix the loopholes within their systems, which is where cyber resilience can show its true potential. One that can be intangible for long parts during implementation, but make its presence felt by truly affecting how the business detects, recovers and survives the cyber onslaught.

The technology industry can play its part in defining the next decade with a structured framework which delivers effect cyber resilience. You might say that no two organisations have the same requirement, based on their size, data volume and more. Having a pre-configured mechanism brings relief to organisations currently battling the concern of an imminent cyber attack. And there is no substitute for a well oiled system that has the know-how to detect when the attack happens, how it happens and also making sure how to tackle its consequences in the

most effective manner. All this is guaranteed if you invest in cyber resilience, for now and for the betterment of the organization’s future.

Source: Business World

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