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HomeEducationIELTS Exam Dates in India for 2024

IELTS Exam Dates in India for 2024

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The IELTS exam is like a key that opens doors for people who want to study abroad, work, or live in places where English is spoken. It’s a test that shows how well someone can use English in real-life situations. There are two kinds of IELTS tests: one for students and professionals (called Academic) and another for people moving to an English-speaking country for work or other reasons (called General Training).

Choosing between the Academic and General Training tests depends on what you want to do next. If you’re going to university or need professional registration, the Academic test is for you. If you’re moving for work or living in a new place, general training is the way to go.

IELTS is recognized worldwide by schools, companies, and governments, making it a trusted test for proving your English skills. Whether you want to go to college, start a new job, or live in a new country, passing the IELTS can help you get there.

What is the IELTS exam?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an English proficiency test accepted by many universities and institutions worldwide for academic and professional purposes. It assesses your ability to listen, read, write, and speak English.

Key Highlights for IELTS exam dates in 2024:

  • The test is offered throughout the year: You generally have 3-4 test dates per month, giving you flexibility in scheduling.
  • Dates vary by location: Check the official IELTS website or authorized test center websites for specific dates in your area.
  • Academic and General Training modules: The Academic module is offered on all test dates, while the General Training module might be available on fewer dates.
  • Registration deadlines: Allow enough time to register before the chosen date. Deadlines typically fall 3-4 weeks before the test.

Key points for beginners:

  • Start by identifying your target score: Different institutions have different score requirements. Check what score you need and plan accordingly.
  • Choose between paper-based and computer-delivered tests: Both options are available, depending on your preference.
  • Consider preparing early: Give yourself ample time to prepare for the exam. Utilize resources like official sample papers, practice tests, and online courses.
  • Stay flexible: Consider alternative dates or test centers if your preferred date is unavailable.

IELTS Academic Exam Dates for 2024 in India

Month Test Date Test Type
January Sat, 6 Jan Academic
Thu, 18 Jan Academic
February Thu, 8 Feb Academic
Sat, 24 Feb Academic
March Thu, 7 Mar Academic
Sat, 16 Mar Academic
April Sat, 13 Apr Academic
Thu, 18 Apr Academic
May Sat, 4 May Academic
Sat, 18 May Academic
June Sat, 1 Jun Academic
Thu, 13 Jun Academic
July Thu, 11 Jul Academic
Sat, 20 Jul Academic
August Sat, 3 Aug Academic
Thu, 8 Aug Academic
September Sat, 7 Sep Academic
Thu, 19 Sep Academic
October Thu, 10 Oct Academic
Sat, 19 Oct Academic
November Sat, 2 Nov Academic
Thu, 7 Nov Academic
Sat, 23 Nov Academic
December Sat, 5 Dec Academic
Sat, 21 Dec Academic
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, visit the official websites of British Council and IDP Education.

IELTS Academic and General Training Exam Dates for 2024 in India

Month Test Date Test Type
January Sat, 13 Jan Academic and General Training
Sat, 27 Jan Academic and General Training
February Sat, 3 Feb Academic and General Training
Sat, 17 Feb Academic and General Training
March Sat, 9 Mar Academic and General Training
Sat, 23 Mar Academic and General Training
April Sat, 6 Apr Academic and General Training
Sat, 27 Apr Academic and General Training
May Thu, 9 May Academic and General Training
Sat, 25 May Academic and General Training
June Sat, 1 Jun Academic and General Training
Sat, 22 Jun Academic and General Training
July Sat, 6 Jul Academic and General Training
Sat, 27 Jul Academic and General Training
August Thu, 8 Aug Academic and General Training
Sat, 24 Aug Academic and General Training
September Sat, 14 Sep Academic and General Training
Sat, 28 Sep Academic and General Training
October Sat, 5 Oct Academic and General Training
Sat, 26 Oct Academic and General Training
November Sat, 16 Nov Academic and General Training
Sat, 30 Nov Academic and General Training
December Thu, 7 Dec Academic and General Training
Sat, 14 Dec Academic and General Training
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, visit the official websites of British Council and IDP Education.

General Requirements:

Age: There is no minimum age requirement, but test centers recommend candidates be at least 16 years old due to the test’s content and complexity.

Education: No specific educational qualification is required. Students, professionals, and anyone aiming to study or work in an English-speaking environment can take the test.

Identification: You must have a valid passport or another government-issued photo ID on the test day.

Eligibility Criteria:

English language proficiency: The IELTS aims to assess your ability to communicate effectively in English for academic or professional purposes. While there’s no official minimum score requirement, specific institutions or organizations may have specific score requirements for admission or registration.

Understanding test rules and regulations: Familiarize yourself with the test format, rules, and regulations before registering.

Explore Study Abroad Without TOEFL/IELTS

Dreaming of studying abroad but worried about language testing hurdles? Standardized tests like TOEFL and IELTS can be costly, time-consuming, and create unnecessary stress. At Great Learning, we understand that your academic journey shouldn’t be limited by tests. That’s why we offer a wide range of Study Abroad programs without TOEFL/IELTS requirements, opening doors to international education for more students.

Study Abroad

Resources to check:

British Council – Take IELTS:
IDP Education – IELTS India:
IELTS Official Website:

Source: GreatLearning Blog

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