Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeHealthMulethi: 7 Vital Reasons To Add This Winter Superfood To Your Diet

Mulethi: 7 Vital Reasons To Add This Winter Superfood To Your Diet

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


While the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” still holds true, there are a variety of foods that can aid your immune system in its fight against illnesses and infections.  One such popular superfood used for its plethora of curative benefits is mulethi (liquorice roots).

Commonly known as liquorice, this herb gives us a number of offerings that have been a part of Ayurveda for aeons.

The herb is known as ‘Yashtimadhu’ in Ayurveda Yashti‘ meaning ‘wood‘ and ‘Madhu‘ meaning ‘honey,’ making it ‘honey-like wood.’

Now, mulethi has gained ground around the world, thanks to a raft of wellbeing benefits increasingly associated with it.

From digestion to immunity, it exhibits manifold health-promoting benefits thanks to the array of healthful nutrients embedded in it.

The root powder of liquorice provides an absolute answer to almost all health anomalies and is extensively used in several classical ayurvedic formulations for various indications. 

According to the book ‘Healing Foods,’ consuming the essence of this root in the right amount is beneficial for numerous aspects of health and wellness.

It is prized for its exceptional antiseptic, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties.

Besides, mulethi is known to be “an expectorant and decongestant that can help fight respiratory infections,” the book reads.

In this blog, we will explore how you are helping yourself in multiple ways concerning your health by incorporating this magic root into your daily diet.

Boosts immunity

Several studies have found that regular consumption of mulethi has been linked to a boost in immunity and overall health.

The enzymes present in this superfood generate macrophages and lymphocytes that protect the body from infections and allergies and in turn boosting your immunity.

Keeps the respiratory tract healthy

Chewing on mulethi sticks is an age-old remedy for any problems associated with a sore throat or a dry cough.

It has strong expectorant and bronchodilator properties which allow it to treat illnesses such as cough and bronchitis, as well as alleviate the symptoms of persistent asthma.

If you don’t want to chew on mulethi sticks, you can make mulethi tea with ginger juice to help you work on your respiratory health in the changing seasons.

Improves digestion

The presence of glycyrrhizin and its compound, carbenoxolone, makes mulethi an extremely effective remedy for alleviating constipation, stomach discomfort, heartburn, acidity, and other stomach issues.

Ayurveda has long held mulethi in high regard for its mild laxative properties, thereby helping to stimulate bowel motions and relieve indigestion.

Uplifts skin health

A powerhouse of antioxidants and healthful nutrients, this rejuvenating herb acts as a key player that works wonders in the maintenance of healthy, radiant skin.

Besides softening the skin and erasing facial blemishes, its anti-inflammatory properties can help combat a number of skin ailments such as skin rashes, acne, pimples, boils, etc.

All you have to do is mix mulethi powder with rose water or milk, depending on your skin type.

This will aid in the reduction of depigmentation and the relief of skin rashes. When applied to eczema patches, it provides a cool soothing sensation on the skin.

Boasts of anti-inflammatory properties

Arthritis can be easily managed by drinking liquorice tea on a regular basis. Liquorice has anti-inflammatory attributes and may be useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Its anti-oxidant characteristics also help to lessen the impacts of free radicals in the body, which can cause pain, swelling and discomfort.

Liquorice possesses anti-inflammatory effects, which could help with chronic inflammatory illnesses.

Mulethi is an excellent management tool for arthritis patients, and it should be consumed on a daily basis.

Eases menopausal symptoms

This herb is a mainstay home remedy for women with menstrual cramps.

Its phytoestrogens exert valuable action to balance hormones in the body, keeping menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings, and sweating at bay.

Regulates blood sugar

This enchanting ayurvedic herb holds high worth in preventing various diabetes-related complications.

Despite the fact that the plant is 40 to 50 times sweeter than sugar, the herb has anti-diabetic properties that could help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Adequate dosage of the herb can also help reverse elevated blood glucose levels.

Final thoughts

The popularity of mulethi has crept its way into the spotlight. Regular intake of mulethi with an inappropriate amount has numerous health advantages.

Although there are no universal standards of dosage directing the proper use of liquorice root, doses of 5 -15 grams per day are considered safe for short-term use.

However, it is highly recommended that people who are allergic to liquorice or its constituents should not use it without proper consultation.

Research suggests that liquorice root should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers.

Likewise, liquorice also should be avoided by people with underlying health conditions like kidney, liver, or heart problems.

Lastly, as a preventive measure, make regular health check-ups a habit. Early detection can assist you in staying on top of any underlying problems.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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