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HomeHealthNutrition That Is A Must For A Healthy Gut

Nutrition That Is A Must For A Healthy Gut

Contributed by: Anjali Sharma


Gut function necessitates a variety of nutrients on a daily basis. Similar to how probiotics improve nutritional absorption, vitamin C supports healthy immune function, magnesium supports healthy muscular function, and magnesium supports healthy excretion. ⁠ 

Understanding the necessary nutrients and how they support a healthy gut is crucial.

The bacteria that reside in your intestines are referred to as your “gut microbiome.” Each person’s digestive system contains roughly 200 different bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Microbes are beneficial and even required for a healthy body, while some are toxic to human health.

According to research, a diverse population of gut bacteria may lower the risk of diseases including diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriatic arthritis.

Here are some most essential nutrients for maintaining a healthy gut:


The body requires magnesium, an electrolyte mineral, for approximately 300 separate processes. 

This mineral aids healthy elimination and encourages healthy bowel function.

Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, wheat germ, and wheat & oat bran are among the finest sources. 

You may decide whether to take a daily magnesium supplement in the form of a pill or a powder, or a mixture that supports your digestive system and contains magnesium as well as other nutrients.


A structural protein called collagen aids in the development and maintenance of healthy connective tissues, including the tissues that make up the stomach lining.

Your ability to preserve a healthy intestinal barrier depends on having a healthy gut microbiota. 

This promotes a healthy digestive system, immunological system, absorption of nutrients, and excretion. 

The greatest source of Collagen is bone broth. Although it isn’t frequently found in other foods, eating a balanced diet rich in protein and antioxidants aids in the body’s ability to build collagen.


As an important mineral that is second only to iron in terms of concentration, zinc is functionally engaged in hundreds of enzymatic processes in the body. 

A healthy intestinal system, a balanced microbiota, and the breakdown of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy are all supported by zinc. 

Red meat, organ meats, poultry, beans, nuts, shellfish, whole grains, and dairy products all contain zinc. Choose enzyme-activated zinc instead, as it is simpler to digest and use.

SBOs (soil-based organisms)

Probiotics known as SBOs (soil-based organisms) are a specific variety that can survive in the tough environment of the stomach and are often found in soil. 

Probiotics help the gut perform a variety of tasks, such as digestion, nutrition absorption, immune system health, excretion, and more.

The finest sources of probiotics are fermented foods, such as yoghurt, kefir, amasi, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut. 

The majority of kids and adults can profit from taking a daily probiotic supplement, frequently in the form of a pill.

Vitamin D

Gut integrity and a healthy immune system are supported by vitamin D. To keep inflammation at normal levels and to support strong immune systems, you need enough vitamin D. 

Eggs, fish like salmon and sardines, organ meats, fortified dairy products like milk and cheese, and certain mushrooms all contain vitamin D. Find a D3 dietary supplement

Compared to vitamin D2, it is regarded to be the form of vitamin D that is easier to absorb. Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance, it should be taken with food.

Avoid these foods for a healthy stomach

There are meals that can support gut health and proper digestion, but there are also foods that can have the opposite effect.

Not only should you eat well, but you should also steer clear of unhealthy items in order to promote gut health.

  • It has been demonstrated that some artificial sweeteners significantly impact the microbes in your gut. It is advised to limit or avoid using such items unless you need to do so owing to diabetes.
  • Alcohol use should be restricted since it might alter the composition of the bacteria in your stomach. Alcohol is also closely related to situations like acidity.
  • Fried foods, particularly fast food, can irritate the stomach and lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive problems. They are detrimental to your general health as well. The same issues occur with processed foods.

Final thoughts

For many elements of your health, your gut microbes are crucial.

A disturbed microbiome has been linked to a number of chronic illnesses, according to multiple research.

Eating a variety of fresh, complete meals, mostly from plant sources including fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and whole grains, is the greatest method to maintain a healthy microbiome.

It’s also highly recommended to take regular stomach tests to keep a check on your digestive health,  especially if you experience the symptoms of an unhealthy stomach, frequently.

Book The Complete Stomach Test Today!


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