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HomeHealthThe 5 Easy-To-Do & Effective Exercises For Quality Sleep at Night

The 5 Easy-To-Do & Effective Exercises For Quality Sleep at Night

Contributed by: Anjali Dharra


Are you struggling to sleep at night? If yes, you can easily get back to the dream world by indulging yourself in some routine physical activities or exercises. 

Well, not getting sleep at night is a common issue nowadays, especially with the hectic lifestyles and the daily hustle-bustle of a demanding professional world. 

According to a scientific study, sleep and exercise have an inextricable connection.

Daily workouts can help you fall asleep whether you need to sleep during the day or night. 

Have you ever seen people who fall asleep as soon as their back touches the bed? We must say that they are the lucky ones.

One can easily get a good sleep in an ideal world but, unfortunately, in reality, it is hard to have quality sleep because of excessive stress and fatigue people have in this contemporary era.

Now, you don’t need to yearn more! Get a healthy sleep of eight hours just by adding some easy and effective exercises to your daily routine that are mentioned below.

Twist your sitting pattern

One of the simplest and easy-to-follow exercises can be practised by sitting on a chair, sofa, bed, or any other seating arrangement.

What you need to do is sit on a chair, sofa, or bed and turn to your right.

Use your other hand to hold the chair’s arm or left part of the seating equipment.

Then, stretch your back as far as you can along while looking back.

Follow this for at least 10 to 20 seconds and release. Do the same on the left side.

Sitting twists should be performed 10 times on each side.

Child pose or Balasana

Balasana is a yoga pose that helps to rejuvenate the mind and body.

Getting quality sleep must require a perfect sync between mental and physical health.

For this child pose, you need to sit with your legs should be bent under your hips.

At this step, your feet must be facing upwards, and continue by slightly folding your torso forward on the floor. 

Now, stretch your arms forward as much as you can by facing the floor as well as touching the ground with your palms, forehead, and calves.

This yoga pose is a resting pose as it stretches your body and hence gives ease and comfort.

Do this child pose for at least 15 to 20 seconds in 4 to 5 sets on a daily basis.

Upward facing or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

If you are feeling extreme fatigue or stress in your mind and body, this exercise is proven to be a great workout you can do without bothering your daily schedule.

Unwind yourself with this upward-facing dog pose that is also an important part of the Surya Namaskar pose.

Lay down straight facing the floor. While placing your arms forward, try to lift your upper part of the body.

At this point, you may feel that your chest and abdominal muscles are stretching while bolstering your shoulders, forearms, and triceps.

In this exercise, your face should be facing the sky and only your legs and palms should be touching the floor. 

Hold this pose for about 10 to15 seconds and repeat the same at least 5 to10 times.

Standing forward bend or Uttanasana

Standing forward bending asana is a modern yoga or exercise where the toes are grasped.

This pose is extremely relaxing and helps you get rid of routine stress and anxiety by stretching your body muscles.

In this pose, you need to stand straight and bend slowly in a forward direction.

While folding your body halfway, you need to touch your palms to the toes or floor.

This position will be completed when the top of your head is facing the floor. 

Uttanasana stretches your complete body. Do the same for a few seconds in a set of 8 to 10. 

Breathing exercises

Sahita pranayama, Drigha, or Bhramari are some of the most common exercises for practising breathing control. 

Not only this exercise helps you maintain a balance between physical and mental health but it also recharges your mind and body as well as makes your body organs stronger and healthier. 

The simplest positions or steps that are followed in all breathing exercises include sitting with crossed legs and straight back.

However, your body should be in a relaxed state. 

Inhale fresh air deeply via your nostrils and exhale while making a buzzing sound.

You should take a deep breath until you feel like coughing and release the breath making a sound as loud as you can.

Repeat the same exercise for about 5 to 10 minutes and then lay down in the Shavasana pose.

Final thoughts

Engaging your mind and body with plenty of physical activities can help boost the quality of sleep.

Exercises not only overcome many mental and physical health issues but also aids in getting a night of better sleep.  

The time for physical activities should always be chosen wisely because intense exercises at bedtime may interfere with sleeping.

If you are getting time at night, prefer to do light activities that relax your mind and muscles. 

Try to follow all the above-mentioned yoga exercises in the morning as well so that your mind and body remain refreshed and active throughout the day.

In addition to this, one should also make a habit to do regular exercise as well as eat healthy food items because our eating habits also play a vital role in influencing our sleep.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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