The NUJS Journal on Dispute Resolution (‘JODR’), a flagship journal of the National University of Juridical Sciences is inviting submissions for its Volume 3, Issue II.
About the University
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS or NUJS or NLU KOLKATA) is a National Law University (NLU) located in Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.In 2023, it was ranked 4th among law colleges in India by National Institutional Ranking Framework and 2nd by India Today. It comes under the exclusive chancellorship and purview of the [Chief Justice of India].
About the Call for Papers
The NUJS Journal on Dispute Resolution (‘JODR’), a flagship journal of the National University of Juridical Sciences is inviting submissions for its Volume 3, Issue II. The bi- annual, open access, student-reviewed, online journal aims to provide a platform for the discussion of national and international developments in the field of dispute resolution.
Launched in 2021, the journal has carried contributions from lawyers, academicians, and students in the past years on diverse areas of dispute resolution. The Journal seeks to strike a balance between practical and academic contributions on issues which form the forefront of contemporary legal discourse.
The Journal permits submissions on a rolling basis in the nature of Long Articles, Short Articles, Case comments, Legislative Comments, Book and Article Review.
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- Investment treaties issues
- Institutional and Non-Institutional Arbitration
- Jurisdiction specific issues on arbitration
- Developments in litigation in the concerned field
Eligibility Criteria
Academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students in the field of dispute resolution.
Submission Guidelines
- Since we wish to observe flexibility of content to ensure comprehensive publications, we accept:
- Long Articles: Minimum 6,000 words
- Short Articles: 3,000 to 6,000 words
- Case Comments: 1,500 to 3,000 words
- Legislative Comments: 1,500 to 3,000 words
- Book and Article Reviews: Minimum 1,500 words
- Co-authoring of papers amongst individuals is permissible. However, the number of co-authors must not exceed three.
- The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the Author’s name, credentials or affiliations in any form. Information such as the Author’s name, contact details, credentials, affiliations or other relevant biographical information must be provided in a separate cover letter.
- The articles must be written in English only. The Author(s) must ensure to follow
- British spelling conventions in accordance with the Oxford English Dictionary.
- The manuscript must contain an abstract of up to 300 words. It may also contain a maximum of 5 keywords to ensure search engine optimization. The abstract will not be included in the final word count. Formatting Guidelines for the same are provided on the website.
- The manuscript may contain a table of contents. This will be included in the final word count.
- The Author(s) must uniformly follow the OSCOLA guide to legal citation (4th ed.,2012) in the manuscript.
- While the submission is under the process of review, it shall not be considered for
- publication by any other platform. Submission(s) made by the Author(s) shall not be plagiarised and the editorial board has the right to reject a plagiarised manuscript.
Formatting Guidelines
- Main text formatting: Alignment shall be justified, Font style shall be Times New Roman, Font size shall be 12, Line spacing shall be maintained at 1, Paragraph spacing shall be maintained at 8, Paragraph indentation (1 tab).
- Footnote formatting: Font style shall be ‘Times New Roman’, Font size shall be 10, Line spacing shall be maintained at 1, All hyperlinks shall be black in colour and must not be underlined, Footnotes shall not be included in the final word count.
- Miscellaneous formatting: Uniform margins (top, right, bottom, left) shall be maintained at 2.54 cm, Headings shall be in Times New Roman, Heading levels must clearly be demarcated, Abstract shall be justified and in italics, For the table of contents, font style shall be Times New Roman, font size shall be 10, and line spacing shall be 1, Any table used in the manuscript must be numbered and precisely named.
How to Submit?
- The manuscript shall be submitted in an MS Word (.doc/.docx) format and must be compatible with MS Word 2007 and above.
- The submissions shall be sent to with the title “Submission—JODR”.
Click here for the official website
Disclaimer: WEF April, 2021, Lawctopus will not publish any ‘Call for Papers/Blogs’ by journals that charge money at the time of submission. If you find any journal doing so, please intimate us at tanuj.kalia[at]
Source: Lawctopus