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How to Improve Your Reading Speed for CLAT Comprehensions

If CLAT 2021 was any indication, the exam is becoming reading intensive each year. This makes sense since law students and all legal professionals need to read really long documents regularly.

While your understanding of these long paragraphs might be great, the reality is that you also need to read them really quickly. With CLAT being a time bound exam, you not only need to read properly, but also quickly.

In this article, we will discuss some tips that can help you improve your reading speed for CLAT:

But first things first…

Understand the CLAT English Language Section’s Pattern
  1. The CLAT English portion consists of 28–32 questions, each worth one mark.

2. Apart from English, sections relating to General Knowledge and Legal Reasoning are also extremely reading intensive.

Understanding what a passage means and the concepts that the author is intending to communicate, both literally and thematically, is the goal of a reading comprehension.

Types of Questions in a Reading Comprehension Exam 

  1. Universal: This question type focuses on the overall picture, or the whole paragraph.
  2. Direct: This kind inquires for specific passage details. The proper response to these types of questions is often a paraphrasing of anything expressed explicitly in the paragraph.
  3. Contextual vocabulary: This is a form of question that inquires about the passage’s usage of a term or phrase.
  4. Inferential question: Inferential questions require you to grasp what the paragraph implies but does not explicitly declare. The solution, on the other hand, may be deduced from the passage’s nuanced phrasing. These questions assess your ability to read between the lines and deduce what the author is conveying.
  5. Application questions: These are a kind of inference-based question with a twist. In these questions, you must choose the response that best depicts the scenario or follow the steps outlined in the paragraph.
  6. The author’s point of view and stance on certain statements: This question type is also a sort of inference that needs you to infer the author’s point of view and position on certain assertions.

The Changing Pattern of CLAT

For the last several years, the CLAT exam structure has been evolving, keeping CLAT applicants on their toes. Even in 2020, there was a revision in the paper layout. The number of questions in the paper was decreased, but the exam’s time remained the same.

The questions, however, were lengthened by a margin. All sections of CLAT now include comprehension-based questions, which consist of long texts followed by a series of 3–6 questions. These questions, like the comprehension questions, are lengthy—often reaching four or five lines.

In this situation, it is critical for applicants to improve their reading speed in order to complete all of the questions on the exam. CLAT 2022 will be easier if you read quickly.

All competitive tests are, in the end, just races. To win this race, a candidate should be able to read all of the questions, comprehend them, think of a response, and then write it down. This necessitates reading at breakneck speed.

Don’t worry if you read slowly. By the conclusion of this piece, you will be able to read considerably quicker and with greater comprehension.

Tips on How to Improve Your Reading Speed for CLAT Comprehension 

  1. Do not read the words again.

Most of us have the tendency to “circle back and forth” between the words we read. Rereading is a difficult habit to break. It’s a bad habit that wastes a lot of time.

As juvenile as it may seem, keeping a finger on the page while reading will help you break the habit.

  1. While practicing, set a timer.

Keep a one-minute timer going as you practice or study at home, and note how many words you can read in that time. Keep track of your score and strive to beat your own record by repeating the procedure.

If you keep playing this game, you’ll be able to improve your reading speed in no time!

  1. Make a goal. 

Making yourself responsible for the consequences and results will keep you focused on reading and reaching the goal you’ve set for yourself. Make a daily or weekly goal for yourself and stick to it. Don’t forget to reward yourself after you’ve met your goal.

  1. Read more now.

As the saying goes, “Practice makes a man perfect.” This guideline applies to everyone, whether you’re an artist, musician, athlete, or reader. The more you read, the more proficient you will become.

Make it a habit to read at least once a day, every day. Even if you’re not studying, make sure you read something, even if it’s not from your curriculum.

  1. Make use of a marker.

If your eyes start to blur while you’re reading the paragraph, use this simple approach to keep yourself focused. Simply lay an index card underneath the line you’re reading and slide it down as you go.

This will guarantee that you stay on track and don’t lose track of what you’re reading.

  1. Improve your vocabulary. 

If you run across terms you don’t recognize when reading, you’ll not only be left wondering what the text means, but you’ll also be wasting a lot of time. As a result, improve your vocabulary. This will guarantee that you comprehend all you’ve read.

That’s all there is to it, guys!


Many pupils struggle with reading comprehension. Depending on how well you study, this subject may be the most difficult or the simplest to tackle on the test. Every paper usually includes a reading comprehension question since it is one of the most effective methods to test a student’s ability to grasp, comprehend, summarise, and respond.

The questions will not be straightforward. As a result, in order to respond, you must read the section.

It’s all about settling your thoughts and controlling your time in the final test to do well in this area. Don’t get too worked up over it!

Read the whole text to have a thorough understanding of how to approach the long portions of the CLAT test. So, what do you have to lose? Try to remember all of these suggestions and do well on the next test.

As previously stated, CLAT is a time-limited exam. As a result, improving your reading speed and time management abilities for the CLAT is critical.

The only way to enhance your reading speed and do well on the test is to practice. Continue reading newspapers, magazines, novels, and other materials to increase your reading efficiency.

All of these factors may seem overwhelming at first, but scoring well in reading comprehension is not difficult. Work hard and think critically while answering questions.

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Source: Lawctopus

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