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HomeMakeup12 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes Most People Make

12 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes Most People Make

Losing weight sure is a complex process but it need not be a never-ending battle, and not as tough as it is made out to be that is if you employ the right strategy and dieting practices. It is a process which may take time to show results, but you need to be consistent with dieting and exercise to be successful. Patience plays a vital role in losing weight and doing the right things while being so. Apart from being impatient, did you know that you might be hindering the progress by listening to outdated advice and following the wrong guidelines? If you are serious about losing weight, here are 12 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes Most People Make and why you should avoid them to melt extra pounds off you.

Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes Most People Make

1. Not Making Goals: Setting goals when you are serious about weight loss is essential. Determine how many kgs and inches you want to lose even before you begin the journey. You cannot just follow a random regimen to lose some pounds. If you are keen on keeping the fat off your body, you must write down your goals, make a note of your eating habits and check your current weight. This will help you track your progress and if you aren’t losing weight, you can check what is going wrong. Also, if you are desperate to shed weight this year and want to follow a safe and healthy method, check out the Rati Beauty diet, which helps with both inch and pound loss.

2. Slashing Calories Steeply: Just by consuming less calories through the day, you will not lose weight. Everybody needs different amounts of calories according to height and weight. Our body needs certain calories to function properly and to stay full, and cutting down calories by a great degree and depriving the body of nutrition will be counter productive, and you may actually not lose any weight at all (the “famine mode” kicks in and the body clings on to fat stores more dearly).

3. Eating Too Much: Who said you need to eat more to sweat it out? Stick to eating the right kind of food and diet will fetch you results. You are doing everything wrong if you are eating platefuls of salads and munching on cucumbers all day long, nah, you need to count calories with healthy food as well, eat healthy and the right amount to lose weight.

4. Exercising Too Much: Just like dieting, we need to be active and exercise to lose weight. You don’t need to sit at the gym for 2 hours on the first day of your weight loss plan. Even walking for half an hour at the beginning of weight loss journey will bring about great results. You can gradually add activities to your workout plan and stick to an hour of exercise in a day.

5. Exercising Too Little: Anything too much or too little is not good. If you are just exercising for 10 minutes a day or alternate days, it will be hard to see results. You need to make it a fact to spend about 30 to 40 minutes each day on your body, and be active through the day.

6. Following Fad Diets off the Internet: Don’t pick a random diet plan off the internet. Find a diet plan that suits your body and not just every random diet chart on the internet. You cannot go from keto to military diet to a plant-based diet in a span of few months. Stick to what works for you and go through the guidelines thoroughly. For perfect diet plans that actually work, download Rati Beauty diet program from Rati Beauty app and lose weight effectively.

7. Only Dieting: By only dieting, you will lose weight but it isn’t healthy and it would take a long time to see results. It is advisable you cut down on food habits as well as indulge in an exercise routine, especially opt for bodyweight exercises to see a significant difference. Any kind of exercise, cardio, yoga, lifting weights, HIIT is great for your body and mind.

8. Too Many Cheat Days: A cheat meal is necessary to reset a sluggish metabolism and not to mention, it helps one adhere to the diet plan better because you are not depriving yourself of indulgent food. Everyone loves cheat meals but make sure cheat meals do not turn into cheat weekend or cheat week. Learn to control your cravings and keep a cheat day fixed in the week so that you know you can have whatever you want on this day.

9. Not eating the right food: Who said dal, roti, ghee, etc., are bad for you! All of these foods are incredible for your system. You just have to know how to eat them. Find out how you can eat regular food and still lose weight, on the Rati Beauty Diet.

10. Too Much Protein: Protein is a must-have for weight loss, but too much protein can get converted into fat molecules and stored as fat. Eat everything in moderation, including protein.

11. Not Giving Sleep Importance: This is probably the biggest mistake a majority of us make – not giving sleep enough importance, but make no mistake, sleeping for 7 hours straight every night is mandatory to bring fat-burning hormones at optimum levels and reduce stress (it is directly linked to weight gain). In fact, some studies have pointed that sleeping for 5 hours or less for even one single night will lead to weight gain. So, sleep like a baby for 7 hours each night and see those extra pounds melt off.

12. Giving Up Too Soon: Another mistake you make in your weight loss plan is giving up too soon. It takes months until you see results and you have to be patient. Every weight loss plan needs time and you have to be absolutely consistent to see results.

Avoid these 12 mistakes and you will have the perfect weight loss routine which will show bright results. Don’t ever lose hope!

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How High Protein Diet Can Help you Lose Weight

Source: Makeupandbeauty

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