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HomeDigital MarketingImportance of digital marketing for businesses in 2022

Importance of digital marketing for businesses in 2022

importance of Digital Marketing

The focus of any business is to get as many clients and customers in through the door as possible. Marketing holds the key to attracting them and generating leads. In the upcoming year, businesses will continue to opt for traditional means of advertising such as advertisements on billboards or television or YouTube. But most savvy businesses will start relying exclusively on digital marketing in 2022. The reason is simple. We have entered the digital era firmly in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us into it. And, this has made businesses transition to the digital model as well so they can survive. 

This rapid switch has made them realize that going digital is productive and cost effective. The importance of digital marketing lies in the fact that it provides multiple innovative solutions. And, businesses will continue to capitalize on this trend the next year. Digital marketing resonates with the young generation which forms the bulk of a business’ client/customer base. So, let us look at how digital marketing will help businesses in 2022.

  1. Ever evolving rules of SEO
  2. Importance of UX
  3. Social media to engage customers and retain them
  4. Importance of digital marketing is linked to cutting costs
  5. A blessing for online retail businesses

Ever evolving rules of SEO

Since most businesses have shifted to marketing online, SEO has become a crucial skill to master. Search engine optimization determines whether the business’ website/blog is visible to people who are using a search engine. It is of paramount importance for the success of the company’s website and makes all the difference between garnering more leads and going bankrupt. 76% of small business owners (source: have upskilled in areas such as social media, SEO and analytics.

This is where the importance of digital marketing comes in. SEO strategies are always changing. People who are not versed in SEO rules and strategies will not know how they can help a business grow. Digital marketing experts keep an eye on the shifting algorithms and are well-equipped to push up a business’ search engine ranking to the top. 

Also Read: 7 effective ways to build a rewarding career in digital marketing

Importance of UX

User experience (UX) design is a byword for digital marketing and businesses can greatly benefit from it. UX can provide wonderful experiences to the user. It can be utilized to make products and services delightful to use and fun to interact with. 2021 is all set to be a year of high-end innovative user experience. People are becoming more particular about the visuals and aesthetics of products and services being offered. They expect a meaningful experience when they go through a business’ website. Another reason behind the importance of digital marketing for businesses in 2021 is that it can analyze the Core Web Vitals and suggest changes in the UX design wherever needed. According to Think with Google, >50% people will not purchase products from a website that is poorly designed.

Social media to engage customers and retain them

Since there is no word out yet on when a COVID-19 vaccine will be available in the market, many people are likely to continue to work from home and most people will be going out less frequently than before. And, millennials and Gen Z are sure to be spending a large chunk of the day on social media. So, instead of billboard advertisements, businesses will want to promote themselves on social media and create a buzz. Across sectors, companies are relying more and more on social media because it is a super-effective digital marketing strategy. Social media can help draw the attention of prospective customers and convert leads. In 2021, social media can find new audiences for companies and re-engage with customers from earlier times. The importance of digital marketing for businesses becomes evident because digital marketing executives can figure out the latest social media trends and know how to utilize them. In 2021, they can help businesses by keeping track of the new features being added by social media platforms, generating ideas to attract customers and boosting or promoting posts in a way to appeal to the target audience. 

Importance of digital marketing is linked to cutting costs

One good reason behind the importance of digital marketing is that it is comparatively less expensive than the most other modes of marketing. The pandemic has taken a toll on the finances of all businesses and no company is entering 2021 unscathed. So, cost-saving modes are a top priority for all businesses. Digital marketing is profitable because it yields a high ROI (return on investment) and has increased scope and reach of audience.  And, yet for a modest budget, companies can get a pulse on the effectiveness of their sales strategies through digital marketing metrics. Marketing strategies and campaigns can be tweaked without a significant setback in budget.  

Another reason behind the importance of digital marketing and why it will not strain the budget in 2021 is that there are multiple aspects of it. Companies will benefit from a team of digital marketing professionals because they have a wide repertoire of means to attract an audience, such as content marketing, banners, e-mail marketing and as we explained earlier, social media marketing. So, digital marketing will be important because it packs in multiple modes in one campaign.

Also Read: Social Media Marketing Trends Benefiting Business

A blessing for online retail businesses

E-commerce is slowly pushing traditional retail out of business. E-retail is just too convenient for people! And, the pandemic has necessitated the online purchase of products – be it groceries, clothes, books, phones or furniture. Even businesses that did not sell their products online are taking the e-commerce route. There is simply no way to attract a huge volume of customers to retail shops any more. To these businesses, the importance of digital marketing is paramount. 

Digital marketing strategies will be the front and center of their sales plans in 2021. Digital marketing will help cement the business’ brand identity. The right digital marketing strategies are important to both new and established e-commerce companies as they are instrumental in making the company stand tall in a crowd of its competitors.  The importance of digital marketing is unquestionable. It is slowly becoming indispensable to businesses. That is why, youngsters can specialize in digital marketing to land lucrative and exciting jobs. They can also opt for online digital marketing courses which are exhaustive and packed with informative videos. Learning at your convenience from the comfort of your home or participating in weekend internship sessions, even while you work at another job during the weekdays, is a huge advantage of pursuing online digital marketing courses.

If you wish to learn more such concepts, you can take up the PG Program in Strategic Digital Marketing by Great Learning.

7 Source: GreatLearning Blog

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