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How to Prepare for a Zoom Interview?

If you are in the midst of a job hunt, there are high chances you have done more than a good share of the remote interviews. During COVID-19, a new approach to the interview process was introduced – zoom interviews. Although preliminaries by phone and virtual interviews have been part of the hiring process for years
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Zoom became one of the most popular free video conferencing tools. It enabled us to communicate safely through remote communication, as we were shut from the outside world in our four walls.

How prior to the interview should one get connected?

Different perspectives and opinions exist regarding how early it is desirable to show up for an interview in person: some feel it is best to arrive at the interview site forty minutes before, others believe it is best to arrive twenty minutes before, I’m a person who arrives in the vicinity of the interview half an hour prior and then entering the interviewer’s chamber 15 minutes prior to the start of the interview.
Generally speaking, however, when it comes to being early to Zoom interviews, it is recommended that you log into the meeting at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the interview. Therefore, the interviewer need not wait for you to join the interview when he or she is ready to begin it.
Take a moment to check your computer’s audio and internet connection 30 minutes before the scheduled Zoom interview. Once this is complete, follow the meeting link provided by your hiring manager and sign in to your Zoom account. When waiting at the Zoom meeting waiting room, you are often told to relax by taking a few deep breaths and perusing your interview notes or any last preparations. 
When the interviewer begins the Zoom meeting, you’ll be more than prepared to outshine with your punctuality, preparedness, and readiness.

How do I gear up for a virtual interview?

Just because you are getting interviewed over Zoom doesn’t mean you should be preparing any less. Virtual interviews require a different level of preparation than in-person or face-to-face interviews. The optimal interviewing environment is generally your responsibility in a virtual interview. This is because, instead of it taking place completely in one area, it is taking place in two different settings, one of the interviewers and one of the interviewee.
As you prepare for your next Zoom interview, follow the listed items to ensure you are preparing well for the virtual interview setup, and not regressing from it:

  • Choose an appropriate background for yourself such as a blank wall, or any kind of bookshelf, or one of the virtual backgrounds.
  • Find a brightly lit area to interview from, such as a window area.
  • Practice looking into the camera of your system or phone while talking or holding any kind of presentation.
  • Choose a silent space where you are unlikely to be interrupted or disturbed during the interview session.
  • Keep your phone or any other desktop notifications on silent mode.
  • Check the laptop battery, update your system, and run the necessary software checks to avoid any kind of tech issues in between the interview.
  • If you are interviewing from a home setting, communicate with your roommates, friends, or family members to prevent any interruptions or distractions during the interview.
  • If you haven’t got a chance to participate in a Zoom interview before, make sure you try and connect with your friends or any other members to get a hang of this digital platform to avoid any kind of glitches.
  • Dress up in the most appropriate and professional attire.

What is the appropriate attire for a zoom interview?

First of all, it’s always a good idea to wear pants. If you receive a Zoom meeting link for your interview, your interviewer will definitely request you keep your video on during the meeting, even if Zoom has an audio-only option. During your virtual interview preparation, don’t overthink your attire. Your video interview outfit should be more or less the same as you would wear to a face-to-face interview. 
There might be some slight variations depending on what industry or field you’re interviewing in, but for the most part, when choosing Zoom interview attire, you should follow these guidelines:

  • On the parts that will be clearly visible during your interview, wear appropriate  Indian or Western formals.
  • Avoid clothing covered in small patterns or designs so you don’t appear fuzzy on the camera. prefer solid colors.
  • Don’t wear huge dangly hangings or earrings or loud, shiny, chunky bracelets that could interfere and be distracting with the audio of your interview.
  • Dress in a formal Indian or Western outfit that will not distract the interviewer in any way and allows the focus to remain on your conversation.
  • Wear a solid, muted color with a small pattern or design.

What is the desired color to wear on a zoom interview?

White or black shirts, which are typically solid colors, can be distracting for laptop cameras to capture, so you risk appearing like your head is present over a formless body. Similarly, colors such as red, yellow, orange, or pink can cause the camera to adjust exposure on your face and make it appear clearer. When wearing an overly crowded or patterned shirt, other meeting attendees can be distracted by your outfit during your interview instead of listening to the reasons why you are a great candidate. Because of this, choosing muted solid colors like those shown below is a wise choice, as they complement the skin tone and ensure you can be seen on the camera clearly.

Zoom Interview Preparation

Do not panic, prepare well and ace your zoom interviews with ease.

Source: Digital Ready

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