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Blockchain Projects To Work On In 2022

Blockchain projects

We’re now living in a web 3.0 era. So, technically everyone started adopting this amazing blockchain technology. That’s the reason why many people started learning blockchain and are ready to skyrocket their careers in this field. And if you’re reading this, then probably you’re one of those fast-moving learners. For people like you, we have compiled a list of trending Blockchain Projects that you can work on to solidify your learning of the technology.


For the last 10 years, the world has witnessed this technology with tons of new cryptocurrencies each coming one by one. Because of the flexibility of blockchain technology, both industries and people have faith in it. You can see that almost every company is trying to adopt this powerful technology of blockchain to become the next leader. Here, when jobs regarding blockchain technology come into the picture. 

However, blockchain technology is completely new in the market, and resources are limited. And some smart people have said that the best way to master a skill is to practice it. Therefore, it is better if you start building some projects to get some hands-on experience in working with this technology after getting a basic understanding of blockchain applications. In fact, there are many recruiters out there, who can pick you up directly on the basis of your projects.

Blockchain projects

Also, if you want to become a professional software developer, then it will help you build your portfolio. Therefore, to help you in this regard, we have prepared a long list of some awesome blockchain projects that can help you get some quick hands-on experience with blockchain technology and its application. This list is a combination of different projects ranging from beginner to advance levels to improve your understanding of technology. So, if it is beginner-friendly as well as not less than better for intermediate learners. 

Now, let’s dive deep into the projects section of blockchain technology!

Top 8 Blockchain Projects

1. Ether Wallet

One of our basic ideas for projects is Ether Wallet. This is the most recommended project for beginners. It is basically a wallet that allows you to spend your ether. You’ll be creating smart contracts in this project as you would require to transfer ether to other addresses as well as receive ethers from other addresses. However, we don’t use these basic smart contracts in the majority of industrial projects, but these are very helpful in learning. 

After completing this project, you’ll learn how to manipulate or update ether in smart contracts. And you need to understand that this is one of the important aspects to understand as the power of smart contracts basically lies in their ability to transfer money in no time.

In addition to it, you will also have a basic understanding of version control. Because you can’t allow everyone to withdraw ethers as then anyone can steal someone else’s ethers. So, version control will help you to manage it. After building this ether wallet, you can easily try to build other smart wallets for further enhancement of your knowledge. 

2. Multi Send

This is also a beginner-friendly project that can help you gain a serious understanding of blockchain technology. Hare, you need to build an application that can send ethers to multiple Ethereum addresses. For better understanding consider working on email. It is exactly similar to email, as for sending email, you use the email address of another person. And for sending ethers, you would require an Ethereum address. 

With the help of this application, users will be able to send ethers to a number of Ethereum addresses. Also, it can be useful for sending salaries to employees. You need to write a smart contract to build this project. REMIX IDE can help you in doing this. Don’t worry if you don’t know about REMIX IDE, it is just an online IDE for making smart contracts with the help of solidity language. 

For this, you’d be required to declare a function that will take an array of addresses as the argument and inside the function, by running a loop. At the end of this project, you’ll have a good familiarity with the functions and working of crypto wallets. 

3. Polling System

This is also a very good project for beginners. Yes, you can create polling smart contracts. People will be able to create a new poll and also then will be able to mention different choices. 

Here, users can place their vote for one of the mentioned choices and you’ll set a voting period and thus everyone will be able to vote in that period. And obviously at the end of the voting period, one of the choices will be the winner. You can create these polls on your desired topics. 

While doing these smart contracts, you will discover advanced data structures like hashmaps to deal with addresses. So, this project can be a little much more difficult than the previous project. But ultimately this can prove a solid project for your resume.

4. To-Do List

Now as we’re moving towards some advanced projects, it is the time we talk about creating some real-world projects. In this project, you’ll create a to-do list that will be powered by Ethereum smart contracts. You’ll learn exactly how blockchain works and its application works in general by creating this application. In a very simple to-do list application, we normally use a web browser and a web server for storing all code and data of our application. But as I said, it is an advanced-level project, so you’d need some serious stuff.

To make a to-do list, you have to access your to-do list through a browser and then you are going to connect to the client-side application that you’ll build. This client-side application is not going to talk to a web backend and a database instead it’s actually going to talk directly to the blockchain.

Therefore, on the blockchain, we need to write our code in Ethereum smart contracts that contain all business logic that is required for our to-do list app. You can see that the smart contracts will contain all the to-do list tasks and it will allow us to add new tasks and other functionality to the app.

5. A Fake Product Identification system

We know that there are many fake products of almost every popular brand available in the market at cheaper rates. The product looks so real from the outside as it is almost impossible to identify it by simply holding the product. But we can solve this issue if the real manufacturer of the product embedded a 2D barcode on the product which functions on the blockchain system.

And simply, you can scan the barcode easily with your smartphone and will be able to tell whether a product is fake or not. So, you can pick this advance level project idea to present in your resume. And if you did it successfully, you might be reached out to by big brands. 

6. Lending and Saving Application 

If you’re a developer, then you might have thought of creating a regular transaction application with the feature of lending and savings with the help of blockchain technology. So, yes! you can start creating it right now. Because nowadays DeFi is a big trend. It is simply a way of taking our existing financial solutions and putting them over to blockchain.

Thus, people will be able to take loans using these applications. And you can find a bunch of examples with saving and lending categories. Vault is the best example of it. Using these applications, you can lock your current assets and borrow other cryptocurrencies and pay them back after a certain amount of time. Just like our regular banks. Because of this, traders prefer this mode of transactions through blockchain and other people are also loving it.

To build this, you have to write smart contracts, and the rest with solidity and then you can perform other functional stuff after deploying it in the blockchain. And I can bet you that there is a very bright future for these products in the market. Therefore, it will be a perfect fit for your portfolio.

7. Peer to Peer Carpooling

Another advanced-level project idea is to create a peer-to-peer carpooling application. You can see that the majority of carpooling systems are under the control of one agency. So, you have better career opportunities on this side. To build this, you have to write smart contracts that will connect rider and driver without any interference from third parties like Ola, and Uber. If this goes further, then you will be able to build a more secure carpooling system. 

8. Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange

Creating a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange can be a game-changer for your portfolio. You can create a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange which means it won’t be live on a server somewhere. But it will allow you to own and control the private keys to your cryptocurrency.

You can see tons of similar examples out there. For example – Index. To build this, first, create smart contracts and then create some sort of client-side interface to interact with the user. Now, you have to use any backend framework for it according to your familiarity with frameworks. You would also require a library called web3.js to convert your web application into a blockchain application. And that’s it you’re done!

To Sum Up

So, this is a small but useful list of Blockchain projects that you can use to build your portfolio. We hope this can add value to your Blockchain journey! Start building these blockchain projects and don’t forget to add these to your Resume. While you are at it, check out the free online courses on Great Learning Academy and build your knowledge base today.

Source: GreatLearning Blog

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